Ethics Channel

Algebra implemented an Ethics Channel, as provided for in its Whistleblowing Policy, for the purpose of communications, anonymous or not, done by workers or third parties, regarding any conduct or event of their knowledge allegedly occured, that could constitute a failure to comply with legal, regulatory or internal procedures or be reprehensible. These occurrences can be related to money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and corruption, conflicts of interest, harassment, discrimination, data protection, breach of confidentiality, among others. Please check our Policy

  • Form available on this website;
  • By email or post to Avenida da Liberdade n.º 110, 5.º andar, 1250-146 Lisboa, addressed to the Compliance Department.

Important: Reporting persons should have reasonable grounds to believe, in light of the circumstances and the information available to them at the time of reporting, that the matters reported by them are true. That requirement is an essential safeguard against malicious and frivolous or abusive reports as it ensures that those who, at the time of the reporting, deliberately and knowingly reported wrong or misleading information do not enjoy protection. Confidentiality of the identity of the reporting person during the reporting process and investigations will be ensured except when necessary and proportionate under the law in the context of investigations or legal proceedings, in particular to safeguard the rights of defence of those concerned by the communication.

This channel shall not be used for complaints. For that purpose please check our complaints management area.


Fields marked with (*) are mandatory. Anonimity will be preserved in case of anonymous contact or if requested.

Date of occurrence:*

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By submitting this form, you agree and consent to the processing of your personal data provided in this form, for the sole purpose of handling your communication. For more information, please check our Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

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