Cookie Policy

Algebra Capital Lda (“ALGEBRA”) is a Portuguese company dedicated to providing secured and unsecured loan management and loan recovery services.

Policy Purpose

The Cookie Policy governs data processing, including personal data of users (“User” or “Users”), collected in the context of accessing ALGEBRA’s website. As such, this Policy should be read in conjunction with the Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

User Rights

To know how to exercise any rights in terms of personal data protection, as well as to obtain further information about ALGEBRA’s data processing terms, the User should consult our Data Protection and Privacy Policy available here.

In case of needing additional clarifications on this matter, please contact the appointed Data Protection Officer, via email:


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device, thorough your browser, in order to make websites work, improve their efficiency, provide information to the website manager and/or operate user sessions. Cookies also allow to recognize Users and direct browsing experience pursuant to their interests and preferences, thus, overall enhancing it.

Use of Cookies

ALGEBRA uses cookies on its website – Session cookies and Comments cookies, to manage Users browsing; this can be carried out by ALGEBRA and by external entities, for statistical analysis purposes.

On its website, ALGEBRA uses Cookies for several purposes, namely:

  • Authentication: to recognize Users during their session;
  • Security: to support the security features implemented and detect malicious activity;
  • Preferences and service analysis: to know the language of the User’s session and to customize website browsing;
  • Usage statistics: to provide anonymous statistical data regarding website usage, such as, origin websites, pages browsed, number of visitors and software used by the client.

By browsing the ALGEBRA website, you are consenting to the use of cookies.

Cookies Control and Blocking

Cookies used by ALGEBRA are not invasive or harmful to its Users. However, Users can accept, disable or remove cookies, by managing their browser settings, and always have the possibility of, at any time, changing their permissions. Users can define their cookies’ preferences using the “options” or “preferences” menu on their browser.

If the User chooses to disable cookies, ALGEBRA warns that this option may partially affect the use of some of our services, without the possibility of experiencing an improved or customized browsing on our website.

To overcome this issue, Users may add our website address to the list of exceptions of your browser privacy settings.

Policy Change

ALGEBRA may update or make adjustments to the current Cookie Policy, and such changes will be dully disclosed to Users.